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Embracing childhood in grades Pre-K–8

Montgomery School

Mobile Toggle

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Landing Navigation

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Matching Gifts

Multiply the Impact of Your Donation

Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by employees to our organization? Many individual gifts to Montgomery School are doubled or even tripled by employers because of matching gifts to educational organizations. Please use the below search tool to see if your company or your spouse’s company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Our Information

93% of all donors submit matches electronically.

When submitting a matching gift through your company or your spouse’s company’s electronic portal or if your company still uses a paper form you may need the following information:


Mailing Address:
Montgomery School
Attn: Development Office/Matching Gifts
1141 Kimberton Road
Chester Springs, PA 19425

Contact Information:
Phone: (610) 827-7222