Uniform Policy
Montgomery School believes strongly in the value of our students wearing uniforms to school for several reasons. Wearing a uniform saves time and reduces stress by eliminating the difficult decision about what to wear each day. It has also been proven that uniforms help reduce distractions so students can focus on their schoolwork, which increases their academic performance. Many of our graduates attend secondary schools with similar uniform policies; so wearing a uniform in lower and middle school gives our students the opportunity to prepare for what’s ahead.
As students enter 5th grade, the uniform changes to distinguish older students (5th-8th grades) from the younger ones (K-4th grades). Students may choose to wear a button down shirt with pants or shorts OR a polo* and plaid skort. Also, the students in grades 5-8 change into gym uniforms for PE class.
*For students in grades 5-8, the polo shirt may only be worn with the skort.
Uniforms By Grade
Special 8th Grade Dress Codes
Special Events
As leaders of the school, 8th grade students are expected to follow the Special Events Dress Code for special occasions as indicated by the Head of Middle School. Events include but are not limited to:
- First Chapel (September) - 8th Grade and Kindergarten Procession
- Individual Chapel Presentations
- Chapel Announcements
- Admission Tours
- Other Special Occasions as specified by the Head of Middle School
8th Grade Dress Up Days
Students will also have opportunities to choose their own “dress up” attire for other special events such as Thanksgiving Chapel and their Design for a Difference presentation. Review a few examples of acceptable attire for these events.
Most of these items can be purchased from Lands End. To begin, click on the banner below or click on this link to go directly to Montgomery's online ordering site at Lands' End (preferred # 900061250). Under Grade/Status select your child's Grade. Uniform shirts must have the Montgomery School logo as indicated, unless hidden under a jumper.
Students are to wear their grade-level uniform on school portrait days. White shirts are optional. Tie and Blazer are optional for Middle School students.
Montgomery spiritwear can be purchased from our online Sideline Store. The store is open all year, and the selection of items will be updated as new styles become available.
All students may wear a Montgomery sweatshirt along with their uniform for the 2024-25 school year.