Montgomery School

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Dining & Nutrition

At Montgomery School, we believe that a healthy diet and nutritional knowledge are important in shaping a child’s physical and mental health, and impacts their emotional and cognitive development. By educating students about nutrition and promoting good eating habits, we are helping them build lifelong skills to lead a happy and healthy life. 

Family Style Dining  

Montgomery School's family-style lunch program is an integral part of the curriculum. This special time provides opportunities for children to practice their independence, develop social competencies, and engage in conversations with their peers, faculty and staff. Lunch is prepared onsite daily by our very own chef from Metz Culinary Management. Lunch is served in the Dining Room and the menu combines chef-prepared, healthy options and quality ingredients, including locally grown fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetarian and gluten-free selections. Each day, the menu features a hot meal, fully-stocked salad bar, soup, sandwiches, and a variety of fruit so that students can make the choice that works best for them. 

We are committed to working with families to address any specific needs their child may have, ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.


Healthy snacks are provided to students in the morning and afternoon on a daily basis, as well as in the Afternoons program. Homeroom parents or teachers may ask for healthy treats to be sent in from home for holiday parties and the end-of-year class party. Snacks should be nut free. Please carefully read all labels of any store bought products. Teachers will communicate existing allergies in the classroom for these special parties. 

Due to students with allergies and food reactions, families are asked to refrain from sending in snacks and food items for birthday celebrations. We enjoy acknowledging each student's birthday or half birthday during Friday chapels, and a student may drop the dress code in honor of their birthday. If a student’s birthday is in the summer, they may drop the dress code on their half birthday. 

Nutritional Education

Students are taught about health and nutrition throughout the year as part of Montgomery's physical education curriculum. All faculty and staff members receive nutritional education provided by a Metz Culinary nutritionist, and educational nutritional information is displayed on every table in the Dining Room. During family-style lunch, nutrition is an intentional part of daily conversations amongst teachers, faculty, staff and students as we believe that our responsibility to children involves helping them build good dietary habits and a preference for foods that are high in nutritional value.