Montgomery School

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Campus Safety

Montgomery School is committed to providing a safe environment for children to learn, explore, and grow. Our staff regularly engages in assessment, planning, protocol development, training, and evaluation in order to achieve that goal. At the same time, we work hard to ensure that student learning will not be disrupted by safety issues, and that staff are properly trained to respond in emergency situations.

Emergency Operation Plan

Montgomery School's Emergency Operations Plan serves as a reference for school personnel as they prepare for and respond to emergencies or crisis situations. The Emergency Operations Plan includes mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery procedures relevant to natural and human-caused disasters. It is a living document that is frequently reviewed, tested, and updated through various feedback loops, including scheduled and unscheduled drills designed to test the plan’s effectiveness. These drills include, but are not limited to, fire and intruder drills. In addition, our campus is equipped with security cameras and a key card access system.  

Visitor Policy

All parents and visitors must check in at the Farmhouse any time they are on campus, other than for morning chapel. Even if a visitor is only here briefly, it is important that we know who is  on campus at all times. We ask all visitors to be cooperative should a teacher or another staff person ask you to check in. Additionally, at 8:30 a.m. all doors on the outside of the circle are locked. Visitors should not attempt to enter those doors after that time or ask anyone to open a locked door for you. After 8:30 a.m. children must be brought to the Farmhouse to check-in before going to class. 

Safe2Say Something

Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” before it is too late. This program allows students and adults to submit anonymous tips about concerns they have that someone they know might be at risk of hurting themselves or others. All of our middle school students are trained in this program, which is mandated under PA state law/Act 44. The Safe2Say tip line is available via phone (1-844-SAF2SAY), website ( or on the S2SS app.