Progress & Milestones
At Montgomery School, our commitment is to prepare students not just for today, but for a bright and dynamic future. Here you will find highlights our key strategic goals and updates about our dedicated efforts to make our school future-ready.
Continue to visit us here to join us on this journey as we celebrate our milestones and strive to create an enriching and forward-thinking educational environment for every student.
Montgomery School has been awarded a state grant to support the hiring of a part-time school counselor.
Teacher pods are designed to significantly enhance the quality of education, further enriching the learning experiences of all our students.
The Montgomery School Board Alumni Committee was created to strengthen connections with our alumni community and enhance their engagement in the future of our school.
Teacher pods are designed to significantly enhance the quality of education, further enriching the learning experiences of all our students.
In collaboration with GreenWeaver Landscaping, Montgomery is putting in a new rain garden along Pickering Creek!
Montgomery School was awarded a grant to install a rain garden on campus, along Pickering Creek, which will serve as a natural filtration system, intercepting and absorbing rainwater from impervious surfaces.
On December 11th, 2023 leadership from schools around Pennsylvania gathered in Hershey, PA for the SAS Institute conference on Strategic Leadership. Montgomery School was recognized among other Pennsylvania schools working to build a sustainable future for and with our students.
Montgomery School establishes a Facilities Reserve to fund future capital projects, ensuring our campus is well-maintained and prepared for growth.
Our partnership with RedefinED, an organization harnessing the power of EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit) funding to benefit Montgomery School, will help expand our access to these vital sources of funding.